Thursday, 17 November 2016

024 - Clogcon Masters Game 4: Makeda2 vs. Tanith

Prior to this fourth game we were informed that there would be a cut-off, meaning that there wouldn't be a fifth game for us as it didn't really matter all that much. Only the tables that competed for the Podium would be played. I didn't stand a chance at that after loosing twice in a row, so, a bit annoying, but i got even more determined to finish the tournement with a bang.

Facing me was Robin and his Tanith/Baldur2? pair. He had played against my list several times before as he regularly plays against Johan (Who i tweaked the list with in the weeks prior to Clogcon), but didn't really feel comfortable because of that. The decision to drop Makeda was Easy. No Una2 and no Kromac makes kitties happy.

And in return, i got Tanith. Game on!

My list:
Supreme Archdomina Makeda WB+24
 - Despoiler - 18
 - Basilisk Krea - 7
Tyrant Radheim - 9
Mortitheurge Willbreaker - 4
Mortitheurge Willbreaker - 4
Void Spirit - 4
Tyrant Commander & Standard Bearer - 6
Paingiver Beast Handlers min - 5
Praetorian Ferox max - 21
Praetorian Ferox max - 21

His List:
Tanith the Feral Song
 - Warpwolf Stalker - 19
 - Gorax Rager . 7
 - Scarsfell Griffon - 8
 - Scarsfell Griffon - 8
 - Scarsfell Griffon - 8
Una the Falconeer - 4
 - Scarsfell Griffon - 8
 - Scarsfell Griffon - 8
Wrong Eye & Snapjaw - 17
Lanyssa Ryssyl, Nyss Sorceress - 3
Swamp Gobber Chef - 1
Shifting Stones - 3
Sentry Stones &Mannikins - 5
Sentry Stones &Mannikins - 5
Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew - 2

Pre Battle Thoughts and Deployment:

I haven't played much against Griffons before (At least not the Circle kind), but after dojoing list for Una2, i know that they can pack quite a punch. And be annoying as hell with their high DEF. I outthreat him by a mile though, and with ARM13, Ferox should massacre them if i can just land some hits.
Scenario was Take and hold. Robin won the Roll Off, but decided to let me start as he wanted to stop me from getting a side where i could park Makeda behind a Wall B2B with the Flag.
I want to start Scoring ASAP, so i deploy slightly skewed towards my flag. The Void Spirit deploys opposite his flag for contesting Duties.
He deploys most of his Griffons opposite my flag, the rest is fairly central. Sentry stones on either flank.

I Figure i'm really not all that afraid of the Sentry Stone Sprays by themselves, and i reall want to put the pressure on him earle, so i run everything up quite far. Storm Rager on Radheim.

Gobber Chef use comfort food to kill two Mannekins, Neat trick. Mannekins andvance and sprays, Damage is irrelevant. The rest of his stuff move up.Star Crossed isn't up yet.

Makeda moves to the flag. Without Star Crossed, i don't see the need to Feat just yet. Despoiler moves up to block her off a bit and be more in play. Krea casts animus to keep her safe from shooting. Blue Ferox advance, leaving one bird on one box, and dealing a bit of damage to the other. I fail to kill the right Sentry stone though, leaving it on one box after i flop my damage rolls. Red Ferox Consolidate their position, one of themkill a mannekin and contests his flag, while also being annoying behind the wall. Void Spirit moves up behind it.

He commits heavilly on my right flank, killing Five cats (Three on the right witha ton of birds, one with Snapjaw who charge in to contest, and one with Shooting, Sprays and a bird. He spends a lot of time doing so however.

And i have barelly spent any time at all ( 12-ish minutes total on my first two turns and deployment). I can take my time to consider my approach. Star Crossed is up, so no is as good a time to feat as any i believe. So i do. Tycom and Void SPirit kill an angry bird on the left flank, the void spirit teleports to engage both the Mannekins on that flank. Despoiler demolish Snapjaw. Leaving the rest of my cats free to kill all but one of the remainging Griffons, which is left with a crippled mind and spirit. The right stone bites the dust as well. The Krea even contributes by lovering the DEF of a Giffon. 1-0

Stalker gets primaled and kills the Despoiler. The Bird is healed, but miss it's attacks on both Radheim and a Ferox, leaving it stranded. He shoots the Void Spirit dead and use the Gorax to throwthe TyCom out of Stay Death. Unfortunatelly for him, he now engage all the Mannekins (He's not knocked down due to Feat). With time constraints a real risk he forgets to contest me with anything. 2-0

Tough on a Ferox unit, Puppet Master on Radheim. Radheim and one other Ferox kill the Stalker, Beasthandlers charge the Gorax and last Bird, the latter left on one box, I also fill both of them with Fury, and since Tanith is now full after the Stalker was killed, that's bad news for him. TyCom destroys it's Body and Mind. Ferox position themselves to block his access to my flag. Wrong Eye goes down as well (He charged in to try and kill some Ferox the previous turn.) 3-0

His only chance now is to pass the threshold check on the Griffon and have miss the Free strike with the beasthandler.  He pass the check, but i roll the 8+ needed to hit and kill it. The Gorax Frenzies and kill a Beast handler. and his remaining pieces can't really do any damage to me.

Victory to the Tyrants!

Post Battle Thoughts:
A close fought game, but the attrition strength of this list shows again. It's amazing how strong Stay Death gets once the game progresses, and your opponent have fewer and fewer pieces to deal damage with.
I'm really happy with how this game turned out. I made a plan, went with it, and it all panned out just as i had hoped.
Another great opponent, and a really good end to the Masters Tournement (Even though i ofcourse wished that i would have had the chance to play for the finals.

No matter what i'm really happy with how my first major tournement outside of Norway panned out.

It was pretty late in the evening at that point, and most of the Norwegians taking the trip had nothing to do on Sunday. There was only one Singles tournement (The Invitationals), and only one of us was qualified for that (Jarle). There was some talk about setting up some additional team tournements to give the remaining players something to do.

I ended up teaming with Nico (Ret) and Tor Egil Cygnar). We talked a bit about how to approach pairings, and figured out that Makeda is insanelly strong in a three man team setting. It's so easy to pair her into good match ups, and even easier to avoid the bad. And when you take into consideration how strong Retribution and Cygnar are, we had a pretty strong team.

The team name was obvious..

Team Murder-Kitties!

023 - Clogcon Masters Game3: Mordikaar vs. Irusk2

So after a stupid and demoralizing loss game2, my chances of winning was gone. That didn't mean that i would quit however. I came to Holland to play, and to prove that Skorne can still play strong competitively.

Game 3 was up, andon the other side of the table was Marc with his Khador. I don't remember his second list, but he Had Irusk2 at least. I really wanted to drop Makeda. But the fear of getting list-locked, and the fact that both his lists seemed like a nice fit for Mordikaar convinced me to drop him instead.

My list:
Void Seer Mordikaar WB+29
 - Despoiler - 18
 - Titan Gladiator - 14
 - Cyclops Raider - 9
Tyrant Radheim - 9
Mortitheurge Willbreaker - 4
Extoller Soulward - 3
Void Spirit - 4
Void Spirit - 4
Paingiver Bloodrunner Master Tormentor - 4
Paingiver Bloodrunners - 9
Praetorian Ferox max - 21
Paingiver Beasthandlers min - 5

His List:
Supreme Kommandant Irusk WJ+27
 - Reinholdt, Gobber Speculator - 4
 - Behemoth - 24
Kovnik Jozef Grigorovich - 4
Alten Ashley - 5
Orin Midwinter, Rogue Inquisitor - 5
Winter Guard Rifle Corps min - 8
 - Winter Guard Rocketeer - 2
 - Winter Guard Rocketeer - 2
Iron Fang Pikemen max - 15
 - Iron Fang Pikemen Officer & Standard
Iron Fang Uhlans Max - 20
Winter Guard Mortar Crew - 5

Pre Battle Thoughts and Deployment:
So. There's a lot of Shooting. And he kinda sorta negates my Feat. Luckilly for me, i still have some Anti Shooting tech in Stealth and the Feat, and my entire list is designed to massacre Infantry. I want to get up the board as fast as possible, remove Scenario Threats and engage his lines as soon as possible.

The Scenario is Entrenched, and i get to go first. He gives me a side with a nice house to hide Mordikaar behind. I deploy most of my stuff behind my own zone. The idea is to have Mordikaar hide behind the house until i have cleared enough stuff to Safely move him in to score. Meanwhile i have the Raider and Void Spirits on my left flank opposite his zone . Void Spirits are nice contestors as he doesn't have too many magical attacks, and the Raider can start shooting at things if he moves for his zone.
He deploys pretty centrally with the Pikemen opposite my zone and Iruskwith the Uhlans ready to move over to his own.

I move stuff up, taking care not to let him fire directly at me.

I forget to take a picture after his turn. He moves stuff up and tries to scatter a few templates at me, two bloodrunners bite the dust.Uhalns create a fort around Irusk at the edge of his Zone. Just outside of 9.5" of the Void Spirits.

I make a big mess of my activations. Both forgetting to use Apparition, and activating my handlers too early, meaning i have some Fury issues. Without the extra 2" from apparition i can't Jam him properly, but i do the best i can with the bloodrunners. Despoiler, Gladiator and Radheim create a fort around Mordikaar who advances a bit to get everything in my Feat. I placed Radheim on the wrong side though.. (He should be on the left side so as to threaten Irusk if he advances.) Lessons learned i guess.
Void Spirits runs into his zone to contest, I make another mistake though as i place one of them within 4" of his objective. Raider shoots and kill an Uhlan.
Unfortunatelly, i forget to take pictures the rest of the game..

Most of the Bloodrunners die, but otherwise my army survives relatively intact. Orin takes advantage of my slight positioning mistake and kill a void spirit by arcing a Chain lightning off the objective. Pikemen combine to kill two Ferox and Reposition to contest my zone. Uhlans try to kill the left most Ferox, but fails. Three of them box in Irusk who tries to magic the remaining Void Spirit, but he fails. He's now really exposed, only camping a single Focus and to make matters worse for him, he forgets to Feat.

I take some time (I'm quite a lot up on time) to consider my possibilities here. I can't get to the Behemoth with my Beasts. and the Bloodrunners are kinda too damaged to suficiently thin his ranks. The Raider Frenzies and charge an Uhlan. It looks like i'm a bit too much down on attrition, and i don't have enough hitting power or Recursion to turn it around.

I do have a pretty decent assassination run though. I can get Two Void Spirits (Despoiler can spawn one off an Uhlan), Two Ferox and a couple of Essence Blasts on Irusk, which should easilly be enough, right? Gladiator charge and kill the Uhlan that engages the leftmost Ferox. Despoiler runs to get within 5" of the Uhlans blocking Irusk.
The Ferox activates, walk and Pounce sees two of them in Irusk's back arc, the last onego for the kill on one of the Uhlans to get a new Spirit. Things starts going wrong though, as i can't seem to roll the 7+ i need to hit him in the back. I get in one hit which he use the Focus to get rid off. The Uhlan toughs twice to survive the last Ferox. Mordikaar activates, but i forget to give him puppet master first. This turns out to be pretty vital as i still can't for the life of me hit him, even missing on a boosted 6+ on an essence blast in the back. The second one hits but i roll miserably on the damage roll and only do 5 boxes. I do kill an Uhlan though, so i get the extra Void Spirit.

Which now activates and calmly walk over to his Back arc, and Miss... I Check once again to see if there's any chance of me getting Radheim in to help, but he's half an inch too far away. Which means it's all down to the last Void Spirit. I need to do 12 Boxes of Damage at dice off 3 with Four Dice (Boosted from Charging and extra Dice from Annihilator.) Which means i need to roll 15.

I hit! Damage dice are thrown and the first three shows 6, 5 and 2, the last one rolls off the table, and all i have to do now is roll a 2+ and the game is won. But the dice gods aren't with me at all at the moment, and the final dice provide me with a 1.

With a sigh of Relief Behemoth and Winter Guard proceeds to shoot Mordikaar to pieces.

Sadly, Loss to the Tyrants

Post Battle Thoughts: 
Another annoying loss. And again, it's probably due to mistakes i made. A puppetmaster re-roll on the missed Essence blast would probably have seen the job finished. And i probably wouldn't be as far down on attrition if i had remembered to use apparition to have the range i needed to properly jam his Shooters.
Granted, i was a bit lucky myself as he forgot to feat, but honestly, that shouldn't have made too much of a difference. I would have gotten one less Ferox in on Irusk, and one of the Essence blasts would have been from the Front instead, but other than that, the entire run would be pretty much the same. Not taking care to have Radheim closer to the action to help out with the run was a mistake as well.

Still, it was an enjoyable game, and another great opponent, that even bought me a beer afterwards. And at least, i would not need to worry about getting list-locked.

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

022 - Clogcon Masters Game2: Makeda2 vs Witch Coven

Game 2, and i find Vincent and his Cryx on the opposite side of the table. I don't get to play against Cryx very often, but i know that Makeda should be good against the Coven. In addition, Recon is one of Makedas strongest scenarios. His other list is Scaverous, which i don't know much about, and when in doubt, use your comfort-list, AKA Makeda.

My list:
Supreme Archdomina Makeda WB+24
 - Despoiler - 18
 - Basilisk Krea - 7
Tyrant Radheim - 9
Mortitheurge Willbreaker - 4
Mortitheurge Willbreaker - 4
Void Spirit - 4
Tyrant Commander & Standard Bearer - 6
Paingiver Beast Handlers min - 5
Praetorian Ferox max - 21
Praetorian Ferox max - 21

His list:
The Witch Coven of Garlghast WJ+26
 - Egregore
 - Scarlock Thrall - 4
 - Deathjack - 23
 - Stalker - 8
 - Barathrum - 15
 - Deathripper - 6
Aiakos, Scourge of the Meridius - 4
 - Stalker - 8
 - Stalker - 8
Machine Wraith - 2
Machine Wraith - 2
Necrotech - 2
Satyxis Raiders max - 16
 - Satyxis Raider Sea Witch - 3

Pre Battle thoughts and Deployment:

The MAT aspect of the feat can be a real pain, but i just completelly ignore the LOS part. Stalkers are really dangerous for me, but i out threat them, so as long as i'm careful i should be fine. I win the roll off, and go first. I deploy centrally, he does the same. My plan is to skew right eventually (There's a house i can exploit between the Zone and the Flag.) I'll  try to find a scenario opening, and use my superior threat to force him to come to me.

I run everything up to just outside of his threat. Storm Rager gets cast.

He move up as well.

I move things more forward. I leave a few ferox in Barathrum's threatrange, hoping he tries to go for them, but make sure that no stalkers can reach me. Void SPirit starts to move towards "his" flag on the left. I forget to move Makeda though...

Coven Feats and move up, thinking himself pretty safe. Barathrum takes the bait and tries to kill a Ferox and Drag below to safety, but my opponent doesn't realize that Stay Death completelly stops that move. and that i pretty much completelly ignore his Feat ( i don't need LOS anyways, and my own Feat deal with the MAT debuff. A Machine wraith charge a Ferox on the Right Flank, but it's stopped by tough.

Beast Handlers enrage Despoiler and kill the Machine Wraith. Ferox deal a bunch of damage to his objective, and kill pretty much all the Satyxis. Despoiler demolish Barathrum. I contemplate using Radheim to finish the objective off, but instead i just move him up a bit to provide Dodge and stay safe. I spent my Feat this turn as well.

Not knowing how my list shows again, as my opponent activates his stalkers after everything else, letting me use Stay Death a lot more than i normally would be able to. I still lose several Ferox though.

I kill two stalkers, more Satyxis, and leave the last Stalker on a single box of movement. I make a huge mistake though, as i spend a lot of time and effortgetting things out of the way to allow Despoiler to charge DJ and finish him off, only realising that i can't get to him because of the Rough terrain between them which i believed was a trench. This means that Ferox is in a less than ideal position, I moved Makeda into the zone and planned to use the TyCom to destroy the Objective (Should be easy enough since it's allready down 8-ish boxes and it would be Dark Shrouded by Despoiler.) Oh well..

Things look dark for my opponent, and i really can't see how he can possibly win this. With Stalkers gone, he pretty much have no way to grind through me. So when DJ, Aiakos and the last remaining Satyxis starts pounding Ferox i spend all my Fury to keep them alive. Unfortunatelly, not knowing what the enemy can do now come back to bite me, as he now move his Arc node in a position where he can see Makeda. I thought there was no way for him to get to me, so i didn't really try to block LOS to her at all, and i had cut myself down to 9 boxes because i wanted to be cautious and not Frenzying with my beasts. He Triangles the Witches and double boost two two Styggian Abysses, and the Archdomina goes down!

Sadly, The Tyrants lose..

Post Battle Thoughts

That was annoying. I feel like i play a perfect game, up untill i make two massive mistakes that costs me the game. The worst part is, i didn't even need to keep the Ferox Alive. My last three Fury was spent keeping the single Ferox that DJ engaged alive. Had i just let him have that, the game would basically be over the next turn as i would probably kill everything he had left except the coven. Or even better, had i just thought to keep Makeda in a safe spot, i could have moved a Beast Handler a fraction of an Inchfurther to the left, and there would be absolutelly no way for him to even see her.

Anyways, a great game, and another great opponent that kept the mood of the game good even though i kept punishing him. And Hopefully, i have learnt from this mistake.

021 - Clogcon Masters Game1: Makeda2 vs. Kallandra

Clogcon! After Weeks of preparation i was finally there.

The past months have seen me trying to split my time between wast amounts of work, and trying to figure out what to pair with Makeda. Which means that i haven't had much time to blog unfortunatelly. I went through a lot of different lists, even changing the layout of Makeda to try and find the best pair Skorne can bring to the table.

Makeda was obvious. She's easily the strongest list in faction, the one with the most best Match-ups, and maybe even in the top 10 in the entire game. But she have a few weaknesses, as i wrote about a while back. The worst offenders are: Caine2, Haley3, High Reclaimer, Kallus and casters like that. Una2 is also in that list, but that's a whole other Story...

So, which of our Warlocks can deal with the aforementioned casters? I tried a lot of different casters and list, and in the end, i was left with Hexxy2 and Mordikaar. My friend and fellow tyrant Johan from Sweden went with Hexxy, but i felt that i did not have the time to learn how to play him properly, so i went with Mordikaar with Void Spirits and Despoiler. A list that pretty much plays itself against many opponents.

Anyways. Onto the game!

First game. Xavi with Trollbloods and a Kallandra/Grissel2 (I think?) Pairing. Without Madrak, i feel completelly safe dropping Makeda into Trollbloods. In return i got Kallandra. Let's go!



Supreme Archdomina Makeda WB+24
 - Despoiler - 18
 - Basilisk Krea - 7
Tyrant Radheim - 9
Mortitheurge Willbreaker - 4
Mortitheurge Willbreaker - 4
Void Spirit - 4
Tyrant Commander & Standard Bearer - 6
Paingiver Beast Handlers min - 5
Praetorian Ferox max - 21
Praetorian Ferox max - 21

His List:
Callandra Truthsayer, Oracle of the Glimmerwood WB+27
 - Trollkin Runebearer - 4
 - Dire Troll Mauler - 15
 - Earthborn Dire Troll - 15
 - Rök - 21
 - Troll Bouncer - 9
Troll Whelps - 4
Hutchuk, Ogrun Bounty Hunter - 6
Lanyssa Ryssyl, Nyss Sorceress - 4
Northkin Fire Eaters - 7
Northkin Fire Eaters - 7
Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes min - 6
 - Stone Scribe Elder - 3
Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew - 2

Pre Battle Thoughts and Deployment:

So.. A lot of armour and hitting power. Not too much mobility though, which is really good for me as the Scenario is Incursion. Star-Crossed can be a real pain, and Befuddle can mess up Stay Death ranges. But i don't think he has the number of Quality attacks to break through the catwall.

I win the roll off and decide to go first. He picks a side with two walls. I deploy centrally, with the Void Spirit on the flank i suspect he will go for. The plan is simple enough. Get up the board and start the grind. On Incursion i believe the Atrition aproach is better ten trying for the Scenario straight away, but if i can find an opening, i'll use my speed to take it.
He deploys behind a central hill, one unit of Fire eaters on each flank.

I run everything up. Iwant to put the pressure on him early, so i let him get to a few Ferox with his Fire Eaters if he wants to, But the damage should be insignificant. Storm Rager goes up on Radheim.

He walks everythin up, casts Star Crossed, and start spraying the Ferox. He hits with every single spray, and roll high enough on the damage rolls to knock four of them down to one box. and force me to Stay Death them.

Void Spirit runs to the Left Flag, Ferox charge in to get boosted Attack rolls to avoid the worst effect of Star Crossed, while allowing me to save my Feat for later turns. I still roll miserably though and only manage to kill two of them, not even knocking down the remaining four.. Really not a great start.. I make sure to keep everything within Dodge and Stay Death and contest the central and Right flag. The remaining Ferox try to Jam his beasts. Hopefully making sure he can't get a ton of work done.

This ofcourse fails as his dice are still red hot. Not a single miss, and high Damage rolls sees me burn through my Fury in no time at all. when all is said and done, and Hutchuk has entered play, i'm five cats down. He runs the Mauler over to contest the left flag.

I figure i can let him have the right flag if that means i can get the centre and left under control. Unfortunatelly, while his dice are glowing, mine still seems to be tired from the trip to Amsterdam. I still can't kill Fire Eaters, (Only killing one with Radheim after he finish of Rôk after Despoiler fails to kill him), and the Mauler is left with one box in each aspect. I even Feat, but to no avail. I fail to clear any of the flags, and now the right flag is open for the taking.

His dice finally fails him a bit, and even with feat, he fails to do any real damage. Despoiler goes down to the combined effort of Earthborn, Bouncer and Fire Eaters, but on the other flankhe miss every single to hit roll with his Mauler, which was completelly boxed in by Ferox, so i get to dodge away. And Tough Rolls starts happening as well. Hutchuk moves in to score and kills a couple of handlers with a grenade.

Fire eaters still refuse to die, and i have to use way too much effort to kill the mauler. Willbreakers move in to score and contest. Tycom deals a bit of damage to the bouncer, and i jam the earthborn.

While he have much more success, killing me than i have killing him, he's starting to get dangerously low on the clock. He have no way to contest my left flag, so instead he tries to clear the centre. Stay death means the damage is non significant. Hutchuk kills the contesting willbreaker, but when the earthborn fails to hit the jamming Ferox i dodge over to contest.

After this i don't have the time to take any more photos, but what happens is i move to 2-1 in his turn. In my turn i clear the centre and Radheim moves to the flag to score. Moving me to 4-1. Makeda pulls back so that it's impossible to assassinate her and i block his access to the left flag. It's now impossible for him to contest me in his turn and that's all she wrote.

Victory to the Tyrants!

Post battle thoughts:

Whew! that was a close one. After my dice failed me and he got so much work done T2, i thought i would be done for, but i once again prove how strong this list gets late game, attritionwise. Stay Death get's exponentially more powerfull as the game progresses and there's fewer and fewer models that can deal damage. and in the end i manage to grind him out.

A great game, a great opponent, and a great start to the tournement!

Friday, 11 November 2016

Quick Update

I'm back!

I know i've been gone for a long while.. Work and life have gotten in the way og pretty much anything miniature related.

I have managed to get a few games in, some of them really good, but theres been no time nor energy to report them.

But that is all in the past. Right now i'm at the airport, waiting for my flight to Amsterdam for Clogcon!

I'm really excited for my first major WH tourney abroad, and reports and analysies will be posted shortly. But now i'll just bore you with my lists.

 - Despoiler
 - Krea
Void Spirit
Ferox max
Ferox Max
Handlers min

 - Despoiler
 - Gladiator
 - Raider
Void Spirit
Void Spirit
Handlers min
Ferox Max

Quick about them.

Makeda is changed to fit Despoiler and Void spirit. Despoiler for the free upkeep on Storm Rager, the Void Spirit for an incredibly annoying contestor. The krea helps against shooting and in a pinch could help assassinations.

Mordikaar plays well into things like Kallus and HR that Makeda struggles with. He's also decent into most shooting lists and can give eCaine a fair fight.

I'll be back with a more thourough

Sunday, 16 October 2016

020 - Makeda2 Vs. Vlad1


I have heard a lot of things about them after the edition change, none of it good from our point of view. But i have never had the chance to actually play against them. Untill now! He had a Butcher3/Vlad1 pair, and wanted to try Vlad against Skorne (First time playing against them in Mk3). I dropped Makeda again, wanting to see how she could fare against the shooting Hell that is Vlad1. Scenario and Map were the same as last game. I lost the Roll Off, and had to go second..

My List:

Supreme Archdomina Makeda WB+24
 - Tiberion - 22
 - Cyclops Shaman - 8
Mortitheurge Willbreaker - 4
Mortitheurge Willbreaker - 4
Tyrant Radheim - 9
Void Spirit - 4
Swamp Gobber Chef - 1
Praetorian Ferox Max - 21
Praetorian Ferox Max - 21
Paingiver Beast Handlers Min - 5

His List:

Vladimir Tzepesci, The Dark Prince WJ+28
 - Behemoth - 24
 - Spriggan - 19
Widowmaker Marksman - 4
Kovnik Jozef Grigorovich - 4
Kell Bailoch - 5
Orin Midwinter, Rogue Inquisitor - 5
Gobber Tinker - 2
Winter Guard Rifle Corps Min - 8
 - Winter Guard Rocketeer - 2
 - Winter Guard Rocketeer - 2
 - Winter Guard Rocketeer - 2
Winter Guard Rifle Corps Min - 8
 - Winter Guard Rocketeer - 2
 - Winter Guard Rocketeer - 2
 - Winter Guard Rocketeer - 2
Widowmaker Scouts - 8
Winter Guard Field Gun Crew - 4

Pre Battle Thoughts and Deployment:

I knew going up against this large amount of shooting can be a real problem. He out threats me by a mile, and with Signs and Portents he's accurate as all hell.. I need to close the gap, and i need to do it fast. Taking out as much of his guys as possible, and Jam to the best of my abilities. If i can negate his shooting enough, i should be able to grind him out eventually.
There's a forest on my right flank, and a nearby wall for me to hide behind, so i skew hard right. The plan being to use the cover of the forest and wall to keep my guys safe from his one turn of shooting before i run in. This also prevents him from scoring on his own flag as that will leave Vlad far too exposed to my Ferox.
He deploys pretty centrally, his AD guys deploying opposite my flag.

He moves stuff up, all his Widowmakers and Kell moves towards my flag.

Forgot to take a picture after his turn..

I move stuff up. Hiding as many guys behind the Forest and wall as possible. a few unlcuky cats gets sacrificed to toe the zone and try to draw his fire. This will mean that he commits to my threatranges, hopefully without making too much of an impact on my guys. Void Spirit goes left to move onto the Widowmakers and Kell if they get too offensive, taking care to be outside of 14" of Kell so that he doesn't get to aim and fire twice. Makeda casts Deflection ( i figure it's better to skew DEF than to solely rely on Stay Death. Winter Guard only have RAT 5, so even with S&P, skewing DEF should mean he gets a few misses.) Shaman and Chef skews hard right.

The guns open fire, and when all is said and done, i'm 3 Ferox down. As predicted, Deflection helped A Lot, meaning the widowmakers had do move in and finish the job, leaving the remaining 7 untouched. I also got to dodge around meaning he got fewer shots off in the first place.

Time to commit! Left Ferox move in and kill some winter guard (One survies to toe the zone unfortunatelly.. They then Repositions to engage both winter Guards and Widowmakers. Makeda Moves up Behind Radheim and Tibbers and Feats. Void Spirit Kills a Widowmaker and teleports to Jam Kell. Shaman shoots down a Rocketeer, and Right Ferox kill a bunch more and put a few boxes of damage on a jack. Reposition o engage all his remaining shooters. I even manage to engage Behemothbehind a couple of Winter Guards. I forgot about the chef..

He tries to unjam himself, but he's not nearly as frightening in melee. Behemoth manage to get Radheim off his mount, and takes some boxes off Makeda. Everything else combines to kill a single Ferox.

Forgot to take a picture after his turn..

I figure i can probably win this on atrition at this point, The Spriggan is standing within Threat of Tibbers, so it will go down. Ferox can kill most of the remaining Winter Guards, and i will move to 3-0 (Dominating the Zone and Controlling his Flag. He's also down to 9-ish minuts on his clock, so i feel pretty confident. Vlad is really exposed however, and even without Radheim i should have a pretty good run here. I decide to try it (It's always good to know what i can and can't handle). Radheim charge out of the way and kill the Kovnik, Beast handlers kill a Winter Guard. Makeda moves up on the hill so she can see Vlad after recieving Puppet Master from a Willbreaker, and Knocks Vlad down with Prostration. He only had a single Focus and used that to take a little less damage here. I cast Dash and move two Ferox over to him. I roll a little bit above average and he goes down! If they hadn't finished him i would still have two more with Puppet Master to go in and finish the Job.

Victory to the Tyrants!

Post Battle Thoughts:

I know this kind of shooting might be horrible to deal with, but i feel like i handled it pretty well, and this match up should definatelly be playable, even though i was a bit lucky with Toughs and a few misses. The Forest helped me out a lot as well, keeping several cats completelly safe until i could commit in force. He didn't get much work out of the Behemoth either, which was pretty good for me ( He missed both shots T2, and although he managed to knock Radheim off his mount the Next turn, at that point it was a bit too little too late.

The Shaman got to do a little bit more work this game, killing a few Winter Guards, and helping to keep the pressure on the right Flank. Tibbers was really nice to have as a solid shield guard to help take a bit of the pressure away from the Ferox, and The Void Spirit was incredibly important as he helped keep the Flanking WIdowmakers and Kell Bailoch out of the Game. I have to say i like the changes, although i still miss the TyCom.. And i wonder if it might be better to have the Raider instead of Shaman/Chef package. The ability to snipe out Stealth models can be pretty important. As i said before, more testing is definatelly needed!

In the next few weeks i'll have to get as many practice games as possible in, and do a lot of Painting. I made an impulse desicion to travel down to Amsterdam and attend Clogcon! So a lot of work now have to be made to make myself ready for that. And that includes trying to find a perfect buddy for my Makeda list. I'll probably go with a ranged oriented Hexxy2/Rasheth list ( I get to borrow the Mammoth of one of my club mates!) I'm really looking forward to this! Even though i'm probably going to stress myself out completelly to try and get a second list painted and tested in time..

Untill next time! Keep your faith in the Empire, Skorne will be strong again.

019 - Makeda2 vs. Vyros2

Sorry for not blogging much latelly, a lot of things have been happening, and i've just not felt up to it the past weeks. Now i'm back though. I have played a bunch of games since Invasion (Not all of them will appear here unfortunatelly, but i played two games today that i will report. First up, Nico (The Retribution player i beat at Invasion) wanted a rematch, this time with Griffonspamming Vyros. How would Makeda do against this? Let's find out!

My list:

Supreme Archdomina Makeda WB+24
 - Tiberion - 22
 - Cyclops Shaman - 8
Mortitheurge Willbreaker - 4
Mortitheurge Willbreaker - 4
Tyrant Radheim - 9
Void Spirit - 4
Swamp Gobber Chef - 1
Praetorian Ferox Max - 21
Praetorian Ferox Max - 21
Paingiver Beast Handlers Min - 5

His list:

Vyros, Incissar of the Dawnguard WJ+27
 - Griffon - 8
 - Griffon - 8
 - Griffon - 8
 - Griffon - 8
 - Griffon - 8
 - Griffon - 8
 - Imperatus - 22
Lanyssa Ryssyl, Nyss Sorceress - 3
Archanist Mechanik - 2
Archanist Mechanik - 2
Archanist Mechanik - 2
Dawnguard Sentinels Max - 18
 - Dawnguard Sentinel Officer & Standard - 4
Soulless Escort - 1

Pre Battle Thoughts and Deployment:

As you might notice, i have changed my list a bit since last time! I have talked a bunch with Johan (The Swedish guy that brought Mad Dog Spam to the WTC) latelly. Specifically about Makeda2. He's currently trying himself as a Tyrant, and so, we have a lot to talk about. The idea behind these changes are simple enough. Tiberion is an amazing scenario piece. A good place for Makeda to hide if push comes to shove, and he hits like a ton of Bricks. The Shaman adds a little bit of ranged presence to the list, something it sorelly lacks elsewhere, and helps both with upkeep removals and unjamming. The Void Spirit is just another piece of Makedas annoying and all too effective denial/attrition game. Incorporeal, DEF 14 and Poltergheist combined with Stay Death makes for a very effective contesting Piece, and Solo hunter.

I do lose the TyCom, and his 2" of added threat, and some mobility in the Beast department, due to not having Rush anymore. Not sure if it's worth it, but i'm willing to try it out at least. Another option is to go with a Raider instead of the Shaman and dropping the Chef (Who's only there 'cause i have a spare point anyways..)

Anyways, onto the game! We play the Pit and i get to go first. I deploy centrally, my plan being to move onto the flag, Jam, and see where this goes. I have never played against Vyros before, but i have heard how much of a pain the Griffon spam can be. Time to see how much Ferox can handle!

He deploys Sentinels and Vyros in the midle with Imperatus, Three Griffons on each flank.

I move everything up.

He moves up as well, Synergy is cast and Sentinels Mini-Feat.

Ferox moves in, but do absolutelly nothing to the Sentinels. It's Dice -8, but i should still kill a a bunch with boosted mount attacks etc. i kill two/three (One with the Shaman, marking my first ever ranged kill in Mk3.!) I also cripple the Cortex of two Griffons, and both arms on a third. I jam as best as possible and create a fort around Makeda.

Since i failed so hard against Sentinels, Vengeance is a bitch, and i'm forced to use a Fury, When the Sentinels actually activates, i Tough like a champ, but with all the Griffons, Imperatus and Vyros himself doing some work, i lose 6 cats, Void Spirit and Chef, and Radheim gets knocked off his Ferox. Vyros moves in to Score as well. 0-1.

Due to moving over to Score and only Camping 2 Focus, i feel like i have to go for the Assassination here. All the Sentinels, Griffons and Imperatus will be far too much for me to handle at this point after losing that many cats.

So, Shaman moves up and boosts a shot into Vyros, doing a few boxes of damage and making him use a Focus. Makeda moves up, Cast Dash to let the Ferox get in without taking free strikes, and Knocks Vyros down with Prostration (Both Makeda and the Shaman got Puppet Mastered.) He's down to 11 boxes at this point and i can get 3 Ferox to him, one of them only with his Lance. At the end he's left standing on a single Box, after i roll misserably with both mount attacks, and i concede the game (Makeda standing out in the open, camping nothing with Imperatus 3" away..)

Loss to the Tyrants!

Post battle Thoughts:

This should be playable. What i should have done when he used his mini-Feat that early was to just hang back, let him score on his flag, but at least prevent him from getting a full Alpha. To win this Grind, i need to limit his attacks, and deal as much damage as possible when i do commit. And i completelly failed at that this game (Mostly because i wanted to really stress test how much Ferox could handle).
I'm not really sold on the changes just yet. Granted, the new elements didn't really get much chance to shine here, so some more testing is needed. I do feel a bit more safe knowing i have Tibbers to hide behind, and his Crit Slam might be really useful, but i REALLY miss the extra two inches from the TyCom. Had i had those, i would get the last Ferox into Vyros as well, and an extra mount from the last guy. Three more Pow 12's two of them boosted should have won me the game. More testing is needed!

Sunday, 2 October 2016

Thoughts on Makeda, And the road ahead

I took a bit of a Hiatous from blogging after the tournement, but i have kept on playing and the reports are on their way. But before i start with them i would like to talk you through some of my thoughts on Makeda.

First, let's have a look at my Makeda list. What have i learned from the past few months of playing her excessively? Quite a lot actually. I have said since i started playing the list, and i'm still confident that she is one of our absolute best casters. On paper, the list might not seem like much, but on the table, she just covers so much ground, it's almost too good to be true.

What's her main strengths? Well, unlike most of our other lists, she can play into, and outright crush most of the heavy gunlines that seems to riddle the current worldwide Meta nowadays. With the exception of Caine2, the high native defensive stats of the Ferox, combined with elements like Tough, Stay Death, Native steady, Deflection (If that is more valuable than Stay Death, which most of the time it's not i think), Dodge, Terrain.. The list goes on. Their high speed, and the fact that they are impossible to stop if you can't outright remove them, means that most shooting lists will have a really hard time dealing with them. They remove infantry like nobodys business (only outdone by the Void Spirit bullet with Mordikaar), Demolish all other cavalry in the game due to longer threatranges and a high enough damage output to cripple them, and they can take on Lights, and even heavies under the right circumstanses. Makeda pretty much just run every single turn, almost never casting any spells, but why should she? Stay Death is too good an ability to not use, and with her Spell list being good, but not awesome, she only ever need to do anything other than making sure she's near enough to the fray to help the Ferox survie, and to use her Feat and Spells should the need arise (Storm Rager and Dash are amazing assasination spells), while also keeping herself safe from retaliation.

The fact that Ferox are so hard to remove, and even more valuable, so hard to prevent from causing havok, means that it's one of the better Scenario lists we have available as well. With the exception of scenarios that force you to spread out a lot ( like Incursion), it's fairly easy to lock your opponent completelly out allowing you to start scoring early, and force your opponents hand,

An example:

This picture shows the board right after Trollbloods T1. I used my superior speed T1 to advance fast to put instant pressure on him. Hang back, and he'll prevent me from alphaing completelly, but give me the Scenario, or Push and play into my hands as i get to dictate where the fight happens. If i had been the second player here, i could have gone for his zone, but an even better play is what i ended up doing:

By clearing all chances of him contesting me in his T2, i can quickly move to a Scenario lead. He could move everything over to his own zone to start scoring, but by doing that, he would leave himself open to assasinations (Not enough models to block my path to his caster) or, if he chose to not try and do something at all with Ferox, he would give me a second alpha strike. Or he can forgo the Scenario and try to deal damage to me, but again, that's not an easy feat, as i can use the Speed of Ferox to make it really hard for him to deal serious damage to me. I do this by using the Terrain, and my positioning to limit the amount of models he can reach. Best case scenario for him is to kill the two Ferox closest to his Beasts and the one that's partly in the Forest, and that is if he hits with all his attacks, and gets through my ARM and i fail all, or most of my tough Checks.

Basically this means that no matter what he choose to do, i get through it mostly unscathed, and gets a Lead on Scenario since i get to score in his Turn. And i get two Alpha strikes, since his Alpha is severelly limited when i clear out most of his Left flank, and limit what his Right flank can get to. (A friend of mine and veteran Army Blogger Jarle call this the Ping-Ping effect, read all about his theories on the subject here: Courage of Caspia.)

Secondly, she does Atrition exceptionally well. With all the punch i can bring with Ferox, Beasts, Radheim and TyCom, and how much punch the opponent needs to grind through the wall of Ferox, i will start to grind out any infantry heavy list out there. I always get to strike first, that's pretty much a given. Shooting lists get one, or maybe two rounds of shooting before i'm in his face, and they usually lack the melee punch to clear the Ferox once the Jam is real. Since i get to strike first, with the surgical presicion of the Ferox, i can put the hurt on where it's needed the most, taking out important elements of the enemy's list before he gets to strike (almost as if i had brought a shooting list). Most of the time, this means that his counter punch is limited, putting me on the upper side of the attrition game.

Like here:

Legion have started the game fairly agresively, but due to the insane range of the Ferox he's a bit further back than he probably would have been.

I push back, taking care to stay outside of his threats, but also positioning myself to punish him if he decide to advance further.

Legion tries a halfhearted push due to the fear of what i can do on my alpha.

Ferox commits, Jams and kill several important pieces (Hellmouth tentacles, shooty solo, a couple of beasts, and i start scoring.

Legion counters with everything he got, but due to the removal of some key models the previous turn, i'm still up on attrition even after i lose several Ferox.

Which means that i can charge in with the rest of my army and clear out pretty much anything of value. Legion have nothing left that can threaten me at this point, and the game is won.

All the time spent clearing Ferox that just won't die also takes a heavy toll on the enemy's clock. There's been several times where i know that i most likelly will lose due to some mistakes, or an army that manage to out attrition me (ARM skews tend to do that if i can't get around it), but after two or three turns of trying to come up with a way of dealing with the Ferox, i'm 20+ minutes up on the clock. It's not the most satisfying of wins, but Deathclock is a part of this game like all other victoryconditions, and it's stupid not to take advantage of it (And Skorne really need to take advantage of any advantage we can get!)

So, we know that Kittyspam can deal with both attrition and Scenario play, and force your opponent on the clock. Is it deadly on assassinations as well? Well.. ofcourse! It's probably one of the assassination lists it's hardest to stop.

Skorne have always been Assassination specialists. Whether it's been throwing your casters around like ragdolls to spell sling your opponent to death (Zaal2/Rasheth), Negating life sustaining tech like transferin (Morghoul1) or the good old Molik Missile (Severelly toned down in the edition change unfortunatelly), Skorne allways have an angle. And this list is no different. The mobility and punch of Ferox, especially combined with Boosted attacks from Makedas feat, Dash to ignore free strikes, and a bit extra movement, and a Storm Ragered Radheim that's terrifying to pretty much everything in the game means certain death to pretty much anyone that's not extremelly careful. And with the attrition and Scenario game mentioned above, and time pressure, mistakes can and will happen. Even from experienced players.

All in all, it's a list that takes a lot of practice to master (i'm 30+ games in and doesn't even feel close to mastering it), but the reward of all the hard work is a list that can put the fear of death into pretty much any caster in the game, and that's something that i believe Skorne has lacked for a long time.

So, we know Makeda's strengths. What about her weaknesses?

As i mentioned above. ARM skews can be a problem. Ferox hits hard, there's no doubt about it. Skorne Beasts still hits like a ton of Bricks, and with the screening wall of Ferox, they have little problem getting to where they need to be, even against fast or shooty lists, something that's a bit of a problem for our beast bricks. The tyrants (Radheim and Commander) pack a solid punch as well, but against armies with mass bricks of 'Jacks, High ARM infantry or a combination, there's often not enough punch to get through. In games like that, it's more important than ever to get the head start on the Scenario. If you can't punch through, just block it. Focusing on a few pieces at a time. I've seen Ferox grind down an Arcane Shielded Stormwall. Everything's possible, it just takes time, and Buying time is something this list most definatelly can do!

High amounts of quality attacks can also be a real problem. If damage is spread around most of the Ferox early, the grind can quickly turn into a real struggle as Tough Checks and Stay Deaths is forced out more and more often. This list thrives on presenting as few targets as possible to Jam, then switching the Jammers with fresh ones after the next push. High amounts of attacks that can threaten me even when you Jam, can be a real problem. And Grievous Wounds shut down every defensive tech this list have.

I tried to negate these weaknesses in my list pair via Xerxis1 with a Beast brick to end all Beast Bricks. ARM skews were clearly no problem anymore, and the high amounts of ARM meant that most Shooting lists would struggle breaking through. And Grievous Wounds would not be too much of a problem. I still can't heal my beasts if he cripples them, but even if i lose a beast or two, The rest still hit like champs, destroying most things sent agains me in return. But the fact that it's a list with few threat extenders, and Xerxis' low control range means that it's often far too slow. Losing me ground on Scenario, and faring even worse than Makeda on Scenarios that force you to spread out. It covers several of her bad matches, but Struggles with several of the same things that she does. Especially things like Caine2, that both threatens to cripple you With Grievous, but also have enough mobility to absolutelly destroy you on scenario if you can't stop him, and that can be pretty hard when you're as slow as this.

In short, i needed something else to pair with the Queen of Tyrants. Something that can reliably deal with ARM skews, but was still mobile enough to stop Scenario threats that arises.

I have given the subject a lot of thought latelly, and come up with a wide assortment of lists that i'm in the process of testing. I'll leave the complete walkthrough of them to a later date as this post is allready starting to run a little long, but i'll at least post them here, so you guys can read and maybe even try them out. Feedback is always appreciated, and i made this blog in large part to help Skorne as a community to punch through all the negativity that's been all around since Mk3 dropped.

So here they are:

First: Paws of Halaak 2.0
Tyrant Xerxis - WB+28
 - Agonizer - 7
 - Titan Gladiator - 14
 - Titan Sentry - 15
Mortitheurge Willbreaker - 4
Tyrant Radheim - 9
Cataphract Cetrati: Leader & 5 Grunts - 20
 - Tyrant Vorkesh - 6
Praetorian Ferox: Leader & 4 Grunts - 21
Paingiver Beast Handlers: Leader & 5 Grunts - 7

Good old Cetrati keep the Brickyness alive with Agonizer, FEAT and Defenders ward to back them up. Ferox speeds the list up drastically, Acting more as Jammers in this variant, with the added benefit of being able to cripple mostly anything with Stir the Blood+Feat. Even Cetrati can move pretty quickly up the board even under Shield Wall thanks to Tactical Supremacy. Scenario becomes less of an issue due to the added speed.

Next up: Abusemachine.
Master Tormentor Morghoul: WB+30
 - Aptimus Marketh - 6
 - Aradus Soldier - 18
 - Aradus Soldier - 18
 - Titan Sentry - 15
Tyrant Zaadesh - 4
 - Titan Gladiator - 14
Mortitheurge Willbreaker - 4
Paingiver Bloodrunner Master Tormentor - 4
Extoller Soulward - 3
Paingiver Beast Handlers: Leader & 3 Grunts - 5
Paingiver Beast Handlers: Leader & 3 Grunts - 5
Paingiver Bloodrunners: Leader & 5 Grunts - 9

The Zaadesh package both grants speed in the Form of Rush, and width of play due to their ability to stray away from Morghoul should the need arise. PGTM and Bloodrunners can Jam and pick away key solos. Most importantly though, With Abuse and Rush, even the Soldiers threaten pretty far, and can kill pretty much anything. Morghouls Feat negates any sort of alpha strike made by Beast/Jack heavy lists, granting me either a Ping-Ping, or at least a Pon-Ping effect (Again, read through This blog post for clarification).

Lastly, i've been itching to try out a shooty list for a long time (Ever since my days of Sentinel spamming in mk2) So i really want to try something like this:

Lord Arbiter Hexeris: WB+27
 - Titan Cannoneer - 17
 - Titan Cannoneer - 17
 - Titan Gladiator - 14
 - Cyclops Shaman - 8
 - Cyclops Raider - 9
Extoller Soulward - 3
Venator Dakar - 4
Tyrant Commander & Standard Bearer - 6
Venator Reivers: Leader & 9 Grunts - 15
 - Venator Reiver Officer & Standard 4
Paingiver Beast Handlers: Leader & 3 Grunts - 5

The Cannoneers and Reivers can crack ARM pretty well, Shaman and Raider adds Solo Removal tools, and mobility. The Shaman in Particular can be pretty scary, and a utility piece with it's ability to cast Rush if need be, or removing enemy upkeeps with Spirit Blade.

I have considered dropping the Cannoneers and Cyclopes to add a Mammoth with some support instead. I'll test it out a bit and see. Either way, this list will probably not see the tournement scene for me in a long time, as i really can't afford the monetary investement to buy the models.. And the Dakar isn't even out yet.

Hope you guys have njoyed this write up. More reports will come soon. But untill then, Keep up the fight for the Empire, and never give up! Through suffering our strength will grow and overcome any obstacles!

Thursday, 15 September 2016

018 - Makeda2 vs. Ossyan (Invasion 2016 Game 5)

Fifth and final game of the weekend was up, and i got drawn up against Ret! Retribution's somewhat ridiculous amounts of shooting and control effects can be a real nightmare to play against, and i think most Skorne lists might struggle against their powerhouses.

Me and Nico, my opponent, had talked a bit the night before about what he would do if he got paired against me. And i was surprised when he said he didn't really know what to do with his Ossyan/Kaelyssa pair. Ossyan had not nearly enough power to get through the Xerxis brick. And Kaelyssa would have absolutelly no chance into Makeda since she ignores pretty much everything Kaelyssa does. We pretty much agreed then and there that if we were paired against each other, the game would be Makeda2 vs Ossyan. 

So when we faced each other in the final game of the tournement, it was game on!

Supreme Archdomina Makeda WB+24
 - Titan Gladiator - 14
 - Titan Sentry - 15
Tyrant Radheim - 9
Morthieurge Willbreaker - 4
Morthieurge Willbreaker - 4
Tyrant Commander and Standard - 6
min Paingiver Beasthandlers - 5
Max Praetorian Ferox - 21
Max Praetorian Ferox - 21
Objective: Arcane Wonder

His list:
Lord Arcanist Ossyan WJ+28
 - Discordia - 18
 - Imperatus - 22
Arcanist Mechanik - 2
Lanyssa Ryssyl, Nyss Sorceress - 3
Stormfall Archers - 9
Stormfall Archers - 9
Mage Hunter Strike Force max - 16
 - Mage Hunter Strike Force Commander - 4
Mage Hunter Strike Force max - 16
 - Mage Hunter Strike Force Commander - 4

Pre Battle thoughts and Deployment:

Holy crap! That's a lot of shots. Although there are a lot of them, the P+S isn't high at all. I should be able to just push through. Outside of Feat, there's not enough power to kill any of my guys without fully committing. And if he do, i can just Feat and remove pretty much his entire army in one pounce, unless he manage to cripple me, which can be tough for him. He does have Phantom Barrage on both MHSF, so i have to be a bit careful with Makeda. 

The scenario was Extraction. I win the roll off yet again (All five games this weekend!) and naturally decides to go first. He choose a side with a Wall to hide Ossyan behind. Which gives me both a Rubble, and a massive Hill to help me Skew my DEF against his shooting.

I Deploy centrally, ready to run towards either side. The plan was to try and force him to commit with just a part of his Army at a time. If i can cripple half his Army, the remainder will lack the required punch to get through my lines. He Deploys his Jacks, Archers, and Ossyan in the middle, behind his Objective (Bunker i think?). MHSF spread out in front.

I push straight down the middle. Taking care not to let the Stormfall Archers be within range of me, and getting as many guys with DEF bonuses from the Rubble and Hill as possible. If he decide to push himself, he won't get me inside FEAT, so the damage wil be insignificant, and will cost him MHSF.

I forgot to take a picture after his turn, but he sees through my trap and just spread out, taking care to not let Ferox do much damage if i commit.

Which i don't. Insteadi  just shuffle everythin over to the Hill, Creating a Fort Makeda. He backed away a bit with MHSF last turn, so by moving like this, i keep outside of the Max threat of several of them, while still threatening a bunch. This also means that i can start threatening a Scenario angle by dominating one flag.

He pull back with his right flank, but push forward with the left.Imperatus runs over to the Flag to Score and MHSF+Stormfalls shoot me a bit, but there's no casualties.

I make the push. I don't commit everything and as such i hold back the Feat for a better occation. I kill 5-6 MHSF and jam up the rest. Gladiator runs over to the Flag to score and i move to block both Discordia and Imperatus from dealing too much damage to me.

He gives it his all, committing the rest of his army, feating and giving dead eye all around, but in the end only a single Ferox and the Standard Bearer (He ran towards the right flag to help contesting) bit the dust. Ossyan is camping 2 Focus and standing within the Threat range of every single Ferox and Radheim.

So in my turn Gladiator charge his Objective and destroys it, a Willbreaker runs over to the flag to let me move to 4-0 (I scored in his turn as well) and Ferox mops the floor with MHSF and Ossyan before Radheim even gets to join in on the Fun.

Victory to the Tyrants!

Post battle thoughts:

Retribution can be a real pain, but when he gave me the chance to take him on piecemeal, i knew i had him. Makeda loves facing Infantryspam. Ferox just remove soo much when they get the chance, and they can handle an incredible amount of damage in return! All five games combined, i gave away 20 BP. Makeda does pretty much everything, but that definatelly leaves me with a disadvantage when i face something that negates her. I really need to work on my second caster from now on.

We were one of the first games to finish, so i got to walk around and see how the other games went. It soon became clear that the two guys in the Final (Jarle (His blog can be found here: Courage of Caspia) and my opponent from game 3, Thomas) would take First and Second place respectivelly. The battle for third woould be between Me, Tor (Cygnar) and Mats (Trollbloods). I was in the lead for a long while, but when the last few results were entered, i dropped down to fifth. (Tor beat me on SOS by one, while Mats had a few more CP than me)

I didn't really care about that though. I was extremelly happy with 4 Victories in my first real tournement. Makeda works like a dream! Now it just boils down to finding the perfect companion for her to bring to Norwegian Masters in January!

Lastly, Thanks to Svein, Kim, Thomas, Morten and Nico for five fantastic games!